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Guests & New Members
New Member Coffee
Anyone interested in learning more about Zion Lutheran Church or becoming a member of Zion is invited to attend a New Member Coffee held quarterly on Sunday mornings at 10 a.m.
For more information please contact Suzanne Gaboury. “Walk-ins” are also always welcome.
Nursery Care
Nursery Care is offered during the 9 and 11 a.m. worship services. The nursery is located on the upper level of the church and is staffed by a childcare coordinator and childcare assistant each Sunday morning. Children age 3 and under are welcome. For more information about Zion’s Nursery download our Nursery Brochure.
Zion Lutheran Church is located at the corner of 4th Avenue and Adams Street in Anoka. We offer:
- Ample parking with several handicap-accessible parking spaces
- Automatic doors
- Elevator
- Wheelchair pew seating in Sanctuary
- Hearing Assistance Devices
Come As You Are
All are welcome as we gather together to worship and be shaped by God’s grace. As a community we live within the core values of welcome, worship, grow, care and serve. This is the pattern for how God calls each of us to live as a follower of Jesus Christ. We are all in different places in our spiritual journey and no matter where you are – know that as a community we walk that journey together.