Walking Wet Ministry

At Zion, kids are Walking Wet, living in their baptismal promises through:

God’s promise to always love them,

And, in our promise to give them their own Bible, worship and commune with them, and teach them God’s Word.

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Walking Wet Ministry

Camp Wapo Registration

Wapo registration is open! Please register for this event now!

Holy Baptism

Commanded by Jesus, Holy Baptism is one of two Lutheran sacraments. Through Baptism, we receive the gift of faith and the promise of God’s Holy Spirit.

2024-2025 Baptism Classes:

Sundays at 12:00 p.m.
September 8, March 9, November 10 and May 4

Baptism - Zion Lutheran Church

Bible Presentations

Young children receive Bibles at baptism and in family Sunday school. Full Bibles are presented in Grade 2. Parent & child class suggested. Please take a look below for dates and times.

Grade 2 Bible Classes

Sunday, October 6, at 10:15 a.m. in the Theater or Wednesday, October 9, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 4. Parents attend with children.

Grade 2 Bible Presentations

Sunday, October 13, at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. worship services or Wednesday, October 9, with class.

Bible Presentations - Zion Anoka

Holy Communion

Instituted by Jesus, Holy Communion is our second sacrament, and we receive God’s gift of forgiveness. Preparation classes are provided in advance. See below for dates and times.

Preschool First Communion Class
Sunday, November 17 at 10 a.m. in Room 10
Parents attend with children

Gr. K-5 First Communion Classes
Sunday, November 10 at 11 a.m. in the Theater; Sunday, March 30 at 11 a.m. in the Theater; or Wednesday, March 19 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 4.
Parents attend with children.

Families schedule their child’s First Communion individually.

Holy Communion - Zion Anoka

For more information about the Walking Wet Ministry, please contact Lee Neitge, Director of Early Childhood Ministry or Ann Campbell, Director of Children’s Ministry.

Announcements for Walking Wet Ministry and Children, Youth & Family

Click on the image to read the full announcement.

Baptism Class

Baptism Class

If you are expecting a baby, adopting or recently given birth & would like information about baptism, our next baptism class will be March 9 at 12 p.m.

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First Communion

First Communion

First Communion instruction will be offered March 19 at 5:30 p.m. or Sunday, March 30 at 11 a.m. Optional bread baking class on March 26 at 5:30 p.m.

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Late Night Event

Late Night Event

Join us at Zion, 7-10 p.m. on Friday, March 21 for Lutheran Late Night! Snacks provided & night games played. For Middle & High School students

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Summer Camps

Summer Camps

Registration for Zion Kids Summer Day Camps opens March 3 including VBS for both Pre-K and K-5 kids, the ever-popular Sports Camp and more!

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Pre-K Registration

Pre-K Registration

Zion Pre-K is now taking registrations for the 2025-26 school year. All 3 through 5-year-olds welcome. Many options from which to choose.

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Camp Wapo

Camp Wapo

Camp Wapo registration is open! Zion’s weeks are: Confirmation/Youth June 15-20; Seeds June 20-22. Click through for registration link.

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LPGM Sponsorship

LPGM Sponsorship

CYF Ministries sponsors three children through LPGM, Srimathi (9), Dinesh (11) & Sri Vidhya (5). Click on the “Give Today” to help.

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Common Ground

Common Ground

At Common Ground highschoolers meet Wed evenings during the program year, 7-8 p.m. in the Youth Room, have fun & grow in faith.

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Whirl Wednesday

Whirl Wednesday

At Whirl Wednesday, kids meet 5:30-6:45 p.m., Sept.-April. We start with gym games, then split into two groups: Whirl! gr. K-2 & Joiz-N-Noiz gr. 3-5.

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Kid City

Kid City

Meets Sundays during the program year at 10 a.m. For kids grades K-5. Watch “Holy Moly” videos, dig into the Bible, play games & make crafts.

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Walking Wet Ministry