Adult Forums are held Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Grab a cup of coffee from the Cornerstone and join us!

  • January 26: The Art of Zion – Tim Sheie: Zion’s building is blessed with a whole host of pieces of art—wood carvings; paintings; sculptures; stained glass; and probably more. It’s possible these pieces have become so commonplace we hardly ever notice them. But art is intended to be noticed, to be thought about it, to make an impact on us in some way. Come join Tim Sheie–the creator of our beautiful woodcarvings throughout our building, as he takes us on a “slideshow tour” of many of Zion’s art pieces and invites us to notice, think about, and be impacted by this art in the ways that perhaps only art can!
  • February 2: A Nepal Travelog – This past October, Pastor Connie had the opportunity to travel with husband Mark, daughter Linnea, and son-in-law Nikesh to Nikesh’s home country of Nepal. Nestled among the Himalayan Mountains, in between India to the south and Tibet to the north, Nepal is the home to approximately 30 million people and the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. Come hear about their trip to a part of the world most of us probably know very little about!
  • February 9: Islam 101 (Part 3) – Dr. Tam Saidi
  • February 16: No Adult Forum – Family Cookie Day: Join the CYF team for an intergenerational event. Decorate heart-shaped cookies, one to eat and one to give away! *Note: The Tech Day – A Review of Realm forum that was originally scheduled for February 16 has been moved to March 30.
  • February 23: No Adult Forum – Annual Meeting


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