Adult Forums are held Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Grab a cup of coffee from the Cornerstone and join us!
- March 16: Zion Addiction Awareness Ministry, Sheri Cindrich, President and Founder of Recovery Café Frogtown – The Zion Addiction Awareness Ministry (ZAAM) is a new ministry at Zion. This ministry offers faithbased, confidential, non-judgmental, care and hope to those seeking information and direction about drugs, alcohol, and mental health issues affecting self, family members, and our surrounding community. This forum will offer an opportunity to learn more about how addiction affects all of us from someone who has experienced it along with an opportunity to ask questions and share.
- March 23: Confirmation Review for Those For Whom it Has Been a While (Part 1 of 3), Pastor Mike Pancoast, Associate Pastor – In these forums (part 2 on May 4 & part 3 on May 11), we will be previewing some of the material (particularly the Augsburg Confession and Luther’s Small Catechism) that we’ll be covering in our new small group study “Roots of Our Faith” that begins after Easter (April 20).
- March 30: Tech Day – A Review of Realm, Josh Myroniuk, Director of Technology & Media Arts – Join us for another Tech Help Day as we learn about Realm, a church-management software that is utilized at Zion. We will cover the basics, from creating an account to signing up for a registration and everything in between. We will also cover some other basic functions of Realm and provide helpful tips so that you can stay connected and informed of Zion’s daily activities.