Zion’s Core Values for Serving guide who we are and how God is calling us to respond.
The core value for food means we serve those who are hungry.
ACBC Food Shelf in Anoka
Three times a year we call for food and monetary support. Website: ACBC Food Shelf.
Fare For All Express
Hosted at Zion on the fourth Thursday of the month at 4:00 pm. Fare For All is a wonderful program that allows people in the community to come and shop at Zion once a month for deeply discounted nutritious food. People can receive a meat pack, veggies, bread, and dessert for reasonable prices. During holiday seasons there are special offers such as turkey or ham dinners. The best part about Fare For All Express is there is no proof of income needed.
Emergency Food, Zion’s Food Pantry
A basic food pantry is maintained at Zion for those who are in need, in crisis. We can help offer an emergency bag of groceries.
Meals on Wheels
Zion volunteers continue our long-standing commitment to deliver meals prepared at Mercy Hospital to our neighbors in the Anoka and Champlin area. We are in partnership with other area churches and take our turn every 6 weeks. There are 7 routes requiring a total of 35 volunteers each week. Zion volunteers continue to be an integral part of our mission in this community by providing these meals to our neighbors.
Volunteer Opportunities
Click on the image to read the full announcement.
Family Promise
Our next hosting week is May 18. Read about the opening of the Family Service Center & the residential property where the shelter will be built.
There are many volunteer opportunities at Anoka Middle School for in-school events & take-home activities. Complete their volunteer application.
Every Meal
Every Meal makes a difference in kids’ lives by focusing on food gaps when they aren’t at school to access meal programs. Click to find out how you can help.
Habitat For Humanity
Over the years, Zion has made a significant impact on available and affordable housing in our community through partnership with Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity.
Prayer Team Ministry
Each Sunday team members gather green prayer cards before the 11 a.m. service and pray for requests on the cards. Commitment is once every eight weeks.
Communion Servers
We are in need of communion servers. Sign up in the notebook located in the Sacristy for the weekend and worship service time that is convenient for you. Thank you!
Category: Volunteer Opportunities