Senior Ministry

Faith Growth Opportunities for Seniors Ages 55+

Senior Ministry Opportunities

Worship at The Farmstead

13733 Quay St NW, Andover
Led by a Zion pastor, this monthly worship service is held the first Sunday of each month at 1:30 p.m. and is open to everyone.

Communion at Care Facilities

Led by a Zion pastor, these monthly communion services are open to everyone.

  • Homestead of Anoka, 3000 4th Ave in Anoka: Homestead Assisted & Independent Living first Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m.; Homestead Nursing Care Center first Thursday of each month at 10 a.m.
  • Walker Plaza, 131 Monroe Street in Anoka, second Monday of each month at 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Sue at Farmstead

Pastor Sue is leading The Farmstead worship service.

Women of Zion Circles

Women of Zion Circles.

Women of Zion Circles

Open to women of all ages, come for Bible study, conversation, service, and fun! Groups meet monthly on Mondays and Tuesdays during the program year. Contact Pastor Sue for more information.

Adult Learning at Zion

Watch for announcements about adult learning in our weekly e-update and on our website home page.


Older, Wiser LutheranS gather three to four times a year for fun and fellowship. Watch for information about upcoming events in the weekly E-Update, the Life Together bulletin insert or the monthly Herald newsletter. Contact Suzanne Gaboury for more information.

OWLS - Older Wiser Lutherans

For more information about Senior Ministry at Zion contact Pastor Sue Wallager.

Senior Ministry Announcements

Men of Zion Event

Men of Zion Event

On Feb 20, Men of Zion and Friends will be playing Frisbee Golf in Zion’s CLC. Plan on joining us for a late breakfast or an early lunch afterwards.

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Worship Bulletins

Worship Bulletins

Life Together bulletin inserts and Worship Folders contain information about weekly worship and upcoming events for Zion Lutheran Church.

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Grow: Senior Ministry