Adult Faith Forums Videos

Zion Lutheran Church Anoka
Zion Resources

Sunday Adult Faith Forums

Adult Faith Forums take place Sundays at 10 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Forums are recorded whenever possible. The most current forum video is available each week by clicking on the Grow/Adults tab at the top of the page. Archival videos are available below.

Adult Forum – April 21, 2024 | Getting to Know Your Interim Pastor – Our new interim, Pastor Mike Pancoast leads today’s forum by introducing himself and asking questions of the congregation members.
Adult Forum – April 14, 2024 | Intergenerational Ministry – With Rachel Circle, Mary Sheie talks with us today about how Zion could do intergenerational ministry and how to keep elder’s engaged and what that might look like for Zion’s community.

Adult Forum – April 07, 2024 | The Ideal Women  – With Rachel Circle, Katie Weiland talks to us today about women and how they are often idealized compared to what is more reality. Katie also takes a look at how women in the bible are idealized in Proverbs 31:10-31.

Adult Forum – March 17, 2024 | Inclusive Church Pt. 3 – Linda Peterson joins us today to discuss becoming a more inclusive church.

Adult Forum – March 10, 2024 | Inclusive Church Pt. 2  – Linda Peterson joins us today to talk about how to be a more inclusive church.

Adult Forum – March 03, 2024 | Inclusive Church Pt. 1 – Linda Peterson joins us today to talk about how to be a more inclusive church.

This page shows the six most recent Adult Forum videos. To view more videos, click/tap the red button below to visit Zion’s YouTube channel.