Zion Stories

Zion Lutheran Church Anoka

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Bags Filled With Love

Bags Filled With Love

Pictured above are members of Zion's Lydia Circle who recently participated in their first bagging event. During the past year, many people came together to prepare hundreds of Matthew Bags including Zion members, VBS groups, Circle groups, Confirmation groups and...

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Blessing of the Quilts

Blessing of the Quilts

On Saturday, November 18 and Sunday, November 19, 140 quilts were blessed during our worship services. The quilts, made by our own Zion Quilters, were given to Family Promise, Stepping Stone Emergency Housing, Lutheran Social Services, Bridging, St. Cloud VA, and...

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Pasha Lake 2023

Pasha Lake 2023

This past July, 11 men headed north to Jellicoe, Ontario to spend a week fishing at Pasha Lake Cabins. The ages of the men attending ranged from 20 years to 83 years. Each morning, we prepared our breakfasts, somedays pancakes made with wild blueberries, as well as...

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Neighboorhood Ice Cream Social

Neighboorhood Ice Cream Social

It was a beautiful evening at Aitkin Park in Anoka for our ice cream social on Thursday, August 10. There were over 75 Zion members as well as people from the community enjoying ice cream and light conversation. Some of the people from the community that joined us...

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In the Heat of It – 2023 HS Mission Trip

In the Heat of It – 2023 HS Mission Trip

It was hot. The average temp was around 93° with humidity levels staying above 80%. It felt like we were swimming in our clothes, but man, did we have a blast. Nine of us from Zion, along with 14 of us from Lord of Life, caravanned out to Nashville, TN for a week of...

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Anoka Riverfest 2023

Anoka Riverfest 2023

Zion was an official sponsor of Riverfest again this year which meant that our booth was located at a prime location on the corner of Jackson and 2nd Street. This year we had 1000 prizes to give away. Prizes were won by the Spin-It to Win-It Wheel – always a huge...

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Habitat Week – A Brush With Kindness

Habitat Week – A Brush With Kindness

July 11-14, Zion volunteers painted a house at 3334 Colfax Ave N in Minneapolis. This year, instead of hammers, volunteers wielded scrapers and paint brushes as they worked with an arm of Habitat called “A Brush With Kindness”. This program works with residents that...

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A Child’s Perspective

A Child’s Perspective

We love children in worship and that includes their noises and wiggles! To help kids feel more welcome, we recently created PrayGrounds within the Sanctuary. These areas include kid-sized tables and chairs, books, and activities. You'll find the PrayGrounds in each of...

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Zion Lutheran Church Anoka

1601 4th Avenue, Anoka, MN 55303

Contact Us:

Phone: 763-421-4656
Email: info@zionanoka.org

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