Zion Stories
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Bethlehem Re-visited
On Sunday, December 8 young and old alike returned to Bethlehem to visit the village where Jesus was born. While there, they...

Zion’s New Lead Pastor
On Sunday, November 17 at all three services, Pastor Connie Tiede was installed as Zion's new Lead Pastor. Bishop Jen Nagel...

Zion Kids Camps 2024
Zion Kids Summer Camps were once again a huge success! Whether boarding the Blessing Bus VBS, playing ball with Coach Semanko at...

Another Fun Riverfest!
Zion’s booth at Riverfest was once again very popular. Back this year was the Spin-It to Win-It Wheel with hundreds of prizes...

Habitat 2024
The week of July 8-12, a group of Zion volunteers worked on a Habitat for Humantiy rehab house located in Columbia Heights. The...

Tacoma Mission Trip
Lots of faith formation occurred on our Mission Trip to Tacoma Washington this summer! We partnered with Lord of Life

Camp Wapo 2024
We had at blast at Camp Wapo! This year's theme "Always" reminds us that God loves us the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow....

Men of Zion & Friends
Pastor Norm Berg had a vision for a Zion's Men and Friends Group. Because God made us to live in community, we want to enjoy...

Zion Super Sale Another Success!
Savvy shoppers lined up on Thursday, June 6 for the doors to open to Zion's annual Super Sale. Whether you were looking for...

Pastor Mike Pancoast Installation
The weekend of April 20/21, Pastor Mike Pancoast was installed as Zion's Interim Associate Pastor. Pastor Mike grew up in Texas,...

Goodbye and Thank You Pastor Brent!
The weekend of February 24 & 25, Zion Lutheran Church said goodbye and farewell to their lead pastor, Brent Campbell. Pastor...

Seniors Enjoy “Laugh for Life”
On February 29, Zion's "Older Wiser Lutherans" were treated to a potluck and program in the Fellowship Hall. Approximately 80...