Pictured above are members of Zion’s Lydia Circle who recently participated in their first bagging event.

During the past year, many people came together to prepare hundreds of Matthew Bags including Zion members, VBS groups, Circle groups, Confirmation groups and youth groups. Once the bags were filled with water, food bars, personal hygiene items and socks, they were delivered to various local organizations such ACBC, ARCC, Anoka Tech, Hennepin Tech, Hope4Youth, Salvation Army, Anoka Treatment Center, Servant of Christ Church and Coon Rapids YMCA. Matthew Bags were also given out by Zion members to needy people whom they encountered.

Matthew Bags are currently available for pickup at the Welcome Desk.

We are grateful for all those who support this ministry both through the gift of time and donations. Bagging events take place throughout the year. Watch for information in the Life Together bulletin inserts and weekly E-updates.

“And the King will reply to them, Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least of these My brethren, you did it for Me.” Matthew 25:40


6th, 7th and 8th  grade Confirmands pack bags of comfort for students  in our community.


Whirl Wednesday kids fill Matthew Bags for those in need.


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