Young Adults
Young Adult Opportunities
Small Groups
Small group ministry for adults in their 20’s and 30’s. Zion hosts many different small group studies during the program year.
Twin Cities Offerings
Looking for other ways to connect with Young Adults? Check out the following options offered by the ELCA:
Gather Twin Cities:
Gather Twin Cities offers occasional Young Adult Worship and Meal gatherings at different churches throughout the year. This is a great way to meet other Young Adults throughout the area and spend meaningful time together to grow in faith.
Abide – Run by ELCA Young Adults:
Abide offers small group studies to young adults looking to connect with other young adults to grow in their faith. They offer seasonal studies as well as other fun get-together opportunities. Abide is an online ministry that allows others to connect across the country.
Interested In Joining a Small Group?
Zion’s Young Adult Ministry focuses on building a community that will grow, learn and serve together in an ever-changing world. For small group info and questions or to lead a small group, contact Josh Myroniuk.
Serving Opportunities
Serving is one of Zion’s core values, and we could not do anything without our volunteers in the church and in the community. Come and volunteer for one of our Children, Youth, and Family areas, or see what Zion does in our community! Interested in learning more? Check out our Serve page or Volunteer page or contact Suzanne Gaboury.
The Daily Calendar
Click ENTER to view Zion’s Daily Calendar
Adult & Parent Announcements
Click on the image to read the full announcement.
MOZ Golf League
MOZ Golf will be meeting on Wednesday, April 2 at 6 p.m. at Davanni’s Pizza in Coon Rapids. Everyone who is interested is invited to attend.
Social Justice
There will be a Social Justice Team meeting on April 3 at 6 p.m. in the Legacy Room. All are welcome to join this developing team.
WOZ Event
Women of Zion are pleased to present storyteller Pati Kachel “Ya Sure, I’m a Norvegin Luteran” on Sat, April 26. Lunch at 12 noon, program at 1 p.m.
Worship Bulletins
Life Together bulletin inserts and Worship Folders contain information about weekly worship and upcoming events for Zion Lutheran Church.
Grow: Adults