Empower, Encourage, Prepare

Middle School Ministry

The mission of Zion’s Middle School Ministry is to empower, encourage, and prepare youth for a deep life of faith and active engagement in the Body of Christ.

Support and accountability are provided in this partnership, with shared expectations for Sunday worship, Wednesday night learning and small group, and fellowship gatherings. Youth will have the opportunity to explore the Christian faith, ask tough questions, and see what it means to be a part of a faith community as preparation for their Affirmation of Baptism service.

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Realm is a password-protected site that serves as the go-to resource for all your church engagements.

Middle School Ministry - Zion Lutheran Church

Camp Wapo Registration

Wapo registration is open! Please register for this event now!

Zion Confirmation

Confirmation is an important milestone in your son or daughter’s faith journey that began at their baptism.  It is our joy to partner with you in helping you fulfill the promises you made at baptism and help your child grow in their relationship with God.

Confirmation is grounded in the basics: weekly worship, worship involvement, weekly learning on Wednesday evenings, faith growth, and community service. In addition, students are expected to attend a retreat in their 6th and 7th-grade years and spend a week at Camp Wapo in June after their 8th-grade year before participating in the Affirmation of Baptism (Confirmation) Service in the fall of their 9th-grade year.

To register for Confirmation, click on the Registration Events tab in the menu at the top of this page.

Helpful Links to Confirmation Materials

Click on the button below to access Confirmation materials such as the Independent Study, Online Worship Response Form, Online Community Service Form, and Lenten Guide Information Form.

Contact Katie Weiland, Director of Middle and High School Ministry, for more information.

Zion Confirmation logo

Announcements for Middle School Ministry and Children, Youth & Family

Click on the image to read the full announcement.

HS Coffee & Crafts

HS Coffee & Crafts

High schoolers are invited to Coffee & Crafts on Sunday, April 6 from 12-1.30 p.m. Friends welcome! Click through for registration link.

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Preschool Music and Dance

Preschool Music and Dance

Join us for a FREE spring session of Preschool Music and Dance! April 9, 16, 23, 30 (Wednesdays) 11:15-11:55 a.m., ages 2-5 with an adult.

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Walk Through Holy Week!

Walk Through Holy Week!

Walk Through Holy Week family event will explore Palm Sunday, Maunday Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday with art, activities and fun.

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Family Good Friday Service

Family Good Friday Service

Join us April 18 at 10:30 a.m. in the Chapel for storytelling & interactive learning as we explore the story of Good Friday. Geared for ages 0-5.

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Summer Camps

Summer Camps

Registration for Zion Kids Summer Day Camps is open including VBS for both Pre-K & K-5 kids, the ever-popular Sports Camp & more!

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Pre-K Registration

Pre-K Registration

Zion Pre-K is now taking registrations for the 2025-26 school year. All 3 through 5-year-olds welcome. Many options from which to choose.

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Camp Wapo

Camp Wapo

Camp Wapo registration is open! Zion’s weeks are: Confirmation/Youth June 15-20; Seeds June 20-22. Click through for registration link.

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LPGM Sponsorship

LPGM Sponsorship

CYF Ministries sponsors three children through LPGM, Srimathi (9), Dinesh (11) & Sri Vidhya (5). To help, click on the “Give Today” button.

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Common Ground

Common Ground

At Common Ground highschoolers meet Wed evenings during the program year, 7-8 p.m. in the Youth Room, have fun & grow in faith.

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Whirl Wednesday

Whirl Wednesday

At Whirl Wednesday, kids meet 5:30-6:45 p.m., Sept.-April. We start with gym games, then split into two groups: Whirl! gr. K-2 & Joiz-N-Noiz gr. 3-5.

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Middle School Ministry - Zion Lutheran Church Anoka