
Faith Growth Opportunities for Adults

Adult Learning at Zion

Women of Zion Circles

Open to women of all ages, come for Bible study, conversation, service, and fun! Groups meet monthly on Mondays and Tuesdays during the program year. Contact Pastor Sue for more information.

Zion Pages Book Group

Zion Pages Book Group meets during the program year on the 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Theater. All are welcome as we discuss current and classic literature, including those written by Minnesota authors.

Small Group Studies

Small group studies take place during the program year.

Zion Adult Faith Forums

Join us during the program year for Sunday Adult Faith Forums at 10 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Forums include in-person speakers as well as video-based sessions. Grab a cup of coffee from the Cornerstone Café and stop in! Click on the video link above to watch the most recent forum. Additional videos can be found on our Adult Faith Forums Videos page.

Adult & Parent Announcements

Click on the image to read the full announcement.

MOZ Golf League

MOZ Golf League

MOZ Golf will be meeting on Wednesday, April 2 at 6 p.m. at Davanni’s Pizza in Coon Rapids. Everyone who is interested is invited to attend.

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Social Justice

Social Justice

There will be a Social Justice Team meeting on April 3 at 6 p.m. in the Legacy Room. All are welcome to join this developing team.

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WOZ Event

WOZ Event

Women of Zion are pleased to present storyteller Pati Kachel “Ya Sure, I’m a Norvegin Luteran” on Sat, April 26. Lunch at 12 noon, program at 1 p.m.

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Worship Bulletins

Worship Bulletins

Life Together bulletin inserts and Worship Folders contain information about weekly worship and upcoming events for Zion Lutheran Church.

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Grow: Adults