To support Holy Trinity’s efforts, Ingrid urged the Zion community to become involved and to meet a goal of collecting 100 boxes of Size 6 diapers by August 25. The response was immediate and overwhelming! Diapers were dropped off to the church office during the week or at the drive-in worship services on Sunday mornings. By the end of the month, Zion had exceed it’s goal of 100 boxes by collecting 109 boxes of diapers! Thank you to all of you who contributed to this important community service project! Special thanks to Ingrid for her insight and determination to help those in need! See below for a thank you from her.
Zion Congregation,
Thank you for your generous donations of diapers. As a church, we collected more than 109 boxes of diapers!! The diapers have been brought to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church and distributed to community members in South Minneapolis who are especially vulnerable during this time. Each and every donation of diapers truly means the world to our brothers and sisters who are receiving them. Thank you all again!! Ingrid Norquist