Fire Truck Visits Zion Pre-K
Zion Pre-K recently had a visit from the Coon Rapids Fire Department. Seeing the fire truck up close is always a highlight for the kids-showing them that under all the gear is a “helper”, and to not to be afraid. Even better is that firefighter Ryan is one of our...
Zion Celebrates 150 Years
On Sunday, September 13 at the 8 a.m. livestream and 9 and 11 a.m. Drive-in Worship services, Zion congregation celebrated 150 years as a congregation.

Diaper Drive Goal Met
Zion recently participated in a diaper drive to help the communities surrounding Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in South Minneapolis.

Pastor Norm Retires
Pastor Norm Berg retired from his role as Spiritual Care and Visitation Pastor in July. He was recognized on Sunday, July 12 before the 9 a.m. Drive-in Worship Service. Read on for a special note of thanks from Pastor Norm.