Bethlehem Re-visited

Bethlehem Re-visited

On Sunday, December 8 young and old alike returned to Bethlehem to visit the village where Jesus was born. While there, they petted real nativity animals, were counted for the census, helped out village craftspeople, sampled foods of David’s city, met the shepherds...
Zion’s New Lead Pastor

Zion’s New Lead Pastor

On Sunday, November 17 at all three services, Pastor Connie Tiede was installed as Zion’s new Lead Pastor. Bishop Jen Nagel presided over the installation. Cake and coffee was served in the Cornerstone to celebrate this event in the life of the church....
Zion Kids Camps 2024

Zion Kids Camps 2024

Zion Kids Summer Camps were once again a huge success! Whether boarding the Blessing Bus VBS, playing ball with Coach Semanko at Sports Camp, singing in a choir at KidSing Jr. or trying oragami or rock painting during Camp Create It, Zion Kids had fun no matter what...
Another Fun Riverfest!

Another Fun Riverfest!

Zion’s booth at Riverfest was once again very popular. Back this year was the Spin-It to Win-It Wheel with hundreds of prizes given away and Troy the ballon guy making balloon animals for the young and old alike! Zion Quilters provided two quilts to raffle off and...
Habitat 2024

Habitat 2024

The week of July 8-12, a group of Zion volunteers worked on a Habitat for Humantiy rehab house located in Columbia Heights. The first part of the project involved organizing the garage and setting up the tools for the week. Demolitian was done in the bathroom and...
Tacoma Mission Trip

Tacoma Mission Trip

Lots of faith formation occurred on our Mission Trip to Tacoma Washington this summer! We partnered with Lord of Life