Caring For One Another

Zion Lutheran Church Anoka

Caring Groups

Caring Groups that take shape around shared areas of interest.

Zion offers caring groups that take shape around shared areas of interest. Examples of these types of groups are Quilters and Knit One, Purl Two. Each of these groups gathers around an activity, and as they are active, they pray and care for one another in an ongoing relational way.

Knit One, Purl Two Group
Knit One, Purl Two Group

Volunteer Opportunities

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There are many volunteer opportunities at Anoka Middle School for in-school events & take-home activities. Complete their volunteer application.

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Every Meal

Every Meal

Every Meal makes a difference in kids’ lives by focusing on food gaps when they aren’t at school to access meal programs. Click to find out how you can help.

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Category: Volunteer Opportunities