
Walking Wet – Receiving God’s Sacrament

Walking Wet Ministry

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism

Commanded by Jesus, Holy Baptism is one of two Lutheran sacraments. Through baptism, we receive the gift of faith and the promise of God’s Holy Spirit. A gift Bible and candle accompany each baptism.

If you seek baptism, we ask you to attend a baptism class. We have classes throughout the year at noon in the Library, where we introduce you to baptism, discuss the day of baptism, and discuss how we partner with you as we grow in faith together.

Contact Pastor Connie Tiede for information on the next baptism class or to talk to a pastor about baptism.

For more information about Walking Wet, Zion’s Children, Youth and Family ministry of receiving sacraments and fulfilling baptismal promises, click on the Grow tab at the top of the page.

Baptism - Zion Lutheran Church