Jan 9, 2019 | Zion Stories
Zion Holds 41st Lutefisk Dinner Zion Lutheran Church held its 41st Lutefisk Dinner on December 3. This holiday event is an annual tradition for many with some families attending for more than 20 years! Although not required, each year Scandinavian sweaters are the...
Jan 8, 2019 | Zion Stories
Habitat House Dedication On Tuesday, November 27 the Habitat for Humanity handicap accessible house that Zion volunteers worked on last summer was dedicated. Pastor Brent led the opening prayer. Pictured are homeowners Sharmarke Abdi and Ladan Abdullahi and the Zion...
Jan 7, 2019 | Zion Stories
ACBC Food In-Gathering and Quilt Donation Thank you to all who contributed food and money towards our Thanksgiving Eve food ingathering! We collectively brought in a total of 3577 pounds of food and $1350 in monetary donations for the ACBC (Anoka County Brotherhood...
Sep 23, 2018 | Zion Stories
Anoka Riverfest – God’s Work, Our Hands! Zion’s booth at this year’s Riverfest was a “hot ticket” with over 2,000 fans with the logo I am a Zion Fan handed out by 12:30 p.m.! Despite the extreme temperatures booth attendance was high with over 200 children’s books...
Aug 8, 2018 | Zion Stories
Senior Cooking Class On June 25, 30 OWLS (Older, Wiser, LutheranS) learned how to get five meals from a rotisserie chicken! Chef and nutritionist Traci Donahoe demonstrated how to chop and dice vegetables and easily debone a rotisserie chicken. After enjoying a...