Affirmation of Baptism

A Faith Milestone

Affirmation of Baptism

In Biblical days, stones were placed along a road to help mark a journey. As families of faith, it’s important to mark our faith journey, too! We do this by naming important events in our faith journeys called Faith Milestones and equipping ourselves for these events, blessing the participants, and giving a symbol of remembrance for future reflection! Affirmation of Baptism is one of our Faith Milestones. In Affirmation of Baptism, middle schoolers say “yes” to their baptism. They prepare in a three-year program called CrossWalk Confirmation, which features worship involvement, learning time, community involvement, and service. Participants attend retreats in Grades 6 and 7, spend a week at Camp Wapo after Grade 8, and affirm their baptism in a service the fall of Grade 9.

Zion Confirmation Group Selfie - Zion Anoka

Contact Katie Weiland, Director of Middle and High School Ministry, with questions about Zion’s Confirmation program.

Confirmation Group Photo - Zion Lutheran Church